Friday, May 29, 2020

The 10 Greatest Working-Life Anthems

The 10 Greatest Working-Life Anthems Over the years, working life has provided much inspiration to song writers and musicians through the eras, with a few  of the records  even going on to become some of the best loved anthems of all time! Whether youre looking for a little inspiration at work, or a relatable account of the daily grind, theres probably a song out there to fit your mood. Weve put together a list of some of the best songs to do with work, earning a living and the dreaded Monday mornings. 1) 9 to 5 Dolly Parton (obviously!) 2) A Hard Days Night The Beatles 3) Heigh-Ho The Seven Dwarfs 4) Working Class Hero  John Lennon 5)  Just Another Manic Monday  The Bangles 6) Money for Nothing Dire Straits 7) Working Girl Cher 8) Money, Money, Money Abba 9) Hard Knock Life  Jay Z 10) Career Opportunities The Clash [Image Credit: Shutterstock]

Monday, May 25, 2020

Use of Social Media in Finding a #Job

Use of Social Media in Finding a #Job In one of the previous posts, I brought to you a report that looked at whether and how  blogging can get you a job.  To update it further, I think The Big Choice do justice to this well written post. Personally, I have actually found Twitter and LinkedIn more useful in job related activities, compared to Facebook and more recent Google + activity. Having a site or a blog is helpful in certain fields, whereas in some cases, they help you no more than LinkedIn would, as it basically acts as your online CV/portfolio. Anyway, have a read of what the good people at The Big Choice have to say. Read the short Report  here. Some nice examples are given at the end of the report, dont miss them. Click Here. 0

Friday, May 22, 2020

3 Examples of a No Regrets Leadership Style

3 Examples of a No Regrets Leadership Style Note from Anna: This is a video from the CEO of my former company, Booz Allen Hamilton. I found these 3 examples of a no regrets leadership style very encouraging when I was an employee there back in 2010 and I hope you do too! All work is honorable. No matter what  we do,  we should work like it is an honor in our  efforts, attitudes and values.   I am honored to  do the work I do.  But, I have had my share of  unfulfilling  and uninspiring jobs.   I agree with Dr. Shrader that these were the positions  where I actually learned the most and where others were watching me closely to see how I would  handle it.   You never know who is watching you and what opportunity could open if you do your best. Wisdom knows no rank. Dr. Shrader advises us to look for advice in  unlikely places.   The best advice that  he received was from an office mate, not from the  boss in the corner office.   Some of the best advice that I received growing up  was  from  coaches, school counselors, friends  and parents.    I have learned that it is so important to  listen  to  everyone  around you because you never know what will stick with  you and impact a  future decision. Time should be precious, but not anxious. Dr. Shrader advises us to cherish the days and hours in life and  not to  be anxious or worry about the time.  No regrets. Spend your time wisely and do what you can to make a difference with it.   I often feel like there is not enough time in the day to get everything done.   I like this quote from William Penn, “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”   We need to use the time we have wisely. Making the most of your relationships, effort and time is pertinent to any career or stage of life that  you are in.

Monday, May 18, 2020

How to Avoid the 5 Biggest Career Regrets

How to Avoid the 5 Biggest Career Regrets Career regrets, whether we admit it or not, are part of the American Dream and its star-spangled ethosâ€"an inseparable entity from the careers we choose. After all, they are how we get those white picket fences encircling the beautiful, sprawling front yard lawns; the two children, and the money to sustain these boons. But as we plot the paths of our careers, we are destined for inevitable missteps, no matter how carefully we plan our quest. Even the best of us make miscalculations, mistakes, and sometimes even go so far as choosing the wrong careers. Surprisingly, the biggest career regrets are not those formed in failing to climb the corporate ladder or make bigger paychecks, but rather the missed opportunities to take control of our destiniesâ€"both collective destinies and individual ones alike. To ensure you don’t retire with feelings of rue, read the most common career regrets below and remember them during the daily grindâ€"these gems of truth may pay off for you in the long run. Not Continuing Your Education Education is a very broad term, and it means many different things depending on with whom you discuss the topic. However, one thing is not debatable: Education is more accessible than it’s ever been, and there are more cost-effective resources available to learn today than ever before. For instance, taking technology courses that provide you with  webinar-based continuing professional education (CPE) credit  and teach you how to leverage document management technologies to grow your skill set, can serve you long-term. This will become especially true as software vendors provide more user certifications for the tools they develop. How to Avoid the Regret Although technology is increasingly the lens through which we learn, it will soon become the medium by which we not only learn our skill set, but demonstrate our skill set to others. Take a coding class from  Treehouse  or learn to use marketing analytics tools to boost your web presence should you decide to go in to business for yourself (see the next entry). Never Working for Yourself The man is always going to take more of your paycheck than he or she deserves. Recent studies even suggest that if the per capita income of the average American 50 years ago was adjusted to today’s earnings, the median worker would be making over $90,000 annually. The median income rests at about $32,000 per year. How to Avoid the Regret Document management for home use  makes this possible for client-oriented consultants, freelancers, and more. Working for yourself and earning your own paychecks become more feasible when you have the efficiency of two people, and with only one pair of hands. Combine that with avoiding skyrocketing commercial real estate costs, and you have an easier path to startup success, whatever industry you decide to begin a business in. Working Too Hard Your life’s work should never be fully encapsulated by work itself. A significant body of research suggests working too many hours releases dopamine triggers in the brain also associated with habitual drug useâ€"signifying that the motives behind “workaholism” are not to be glorified, but instead treated as a psychological condition. There is far too much that goes in to life outside of workâ€"love, relationships, family, crossing off items on the bucket list, etc. Although hard work is an enormous merit, at a certain point it will only impede one’s happiness. How to Avoid the Regrets A shorter work week requires using the tools we need to become more efficientâ€"not for greater economic output, but so we can live a better work-life balance, like the Scandinavian countries, who reputedly take as many as 3 months of paid leave per year. Letting Bad Processes Keep You from Your Passion Everyone wants to be a doctor, lawyer, or movie star until they learn about the steps needed to embark on these career pathsâ€"all of which are extremely rigorous and demanding. Modern office environments conjure feelings of drear not because the workers aren’t fit for the positions they hold, but because the processes of the office reduce most office activity to boring, trivial minutiae. Have you ever heard someone say something like “I love my job, but the stuff that comes with it makes it hard to focus on the parts of it that I do enjoy”? Chances are you have, and you may have even chirped a similar expression yourself. In most cases these feelings of minutia can be traced to trying to run 21st  century businesses with 19th  century mediumsâ€"paper-based documentation, and filing cabinets, which were invented over a hundred years ago by  Edwin G. Seibels. How to Avoid the Regret If a thousand paper-based processes stand between you and helping a new client, your passion for customer service is going to dwindle. If you fear a fax machine will leave blurred details on a document you send to an important vendor with whom you do business, the process itself will invoke fear, not excitement. And if you send un-encrypted email attachments without an  encrypted web portal, you’ll run the risk of letting client data be intercepted, and the fear of this alone is enough to stave off the enjoyment you entered the profession to acquire. Avoiding Failure Failure itself is not a bad thing. Taking chances produces discomfort, but this  discomfort is the only way we can ever grow. Most inventors and historically significant people understood this. These failures alone did not result in them having career regrets, but they did put their path to success in proper light. Thomas Edison even said upon struggling to invent the light bulb that he had not failed, but rather found 10,000 ways that don’t work when it comes to, well, making a light bulb. And Einstein constantly challenged his contemporaries to think differently, accepting the onus of social disgrace that came with it. That said, failure remains something we should prepare ourselves for. If we go skiing without a helmet and intend to perform a back-flip, we aren’t adequately preparing ourselves to tackle new challenges with poise and confidence, because we are exposing ourselves to too much risk. In the event of failure, permanent injury could be caused, or, even worse, death. Wearing a helmet cushions our falls and helps us feel safer in taking calculated risks. This is just part of career regrets when we apply the same concept to the office. This precept applies to our careers. If we attempt to take big leaps of faith in career advancement without preparing ourselves for the event of failure, our growth will be stymied and we will end up worse than we were prior to taking the risk. How to Avoid the Regret Learning to use a document management system to cushion our risks in handling information can help us take greater risks as professionals. For instance, the mobile applications of these systems let us experiment with technology in client-facing contexts. And the more we expose ourselves to this discomfort, the more rewarding it will be when clients get the service they need through that technology. This guest post was authored by Jesse Wood Jesse Wood is the CEO of  document management software vendor, eFileCabinet. Founded in 2001, eFileCabinet, Inc. began as a cutting-edge tool to digitally store records in accounting firms. As it grew in popularity, eFileCabinet developed into a full-fledged electronic document management solution designed to help organizations automate redundant processes, ensure security, and solve common office problems.

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Intangible Benefits of Being a Teacher

The Intangible Benefits of Being a Teacher Photo Credit â€"“Being a teacher would be best. You basically get to hang out with kids and impart your wisdom onto them, right? Plus, summers off! Teachers have it made.”This is something only a non-teacher would say. Because everyone was once a student, it’s easy to think you know what the job entailsâ€"some combination of recess duty, pop quizzes, and inspirational moments like the end of Freedom Writers.If you’re considering this honorable profession as a career, or are in the process of becoming a teacher, you’re probably weighing the benefits and imagining what it would be like. It’s easy to see some of the tangible benefits, and even the sentimental reasons to become a teacher.evalAs a former teacher, I can attest to some of the cushy benefits, but I also know the realities. Though life on the other side of the desk doesn’t always feel like the end of an inspirational movie, it is a deeply rewarding career. Here are three benefits of being a teacher t hat you might not have considered yet.1) Teachers get to be innovativeevalRight now, the field of teaching is undergoing some major shifts. Because of increased knowledge through brain research, along with major technological advances, educators are rethinking what the learning process can and should look like.While this presents new challenges, I see a lot of schools empowering their teachers to think outside the box like never before. Initiatives like Project Based Learning or integrating technology into the classroom in meaningful ways provides unlimited creative opportunities for teachers.2) Teachers get to spark a connectionFor me, some of the biggest benefits of being a teacher were the lightbulb momentsâ€"finding the right way to convey an idea and watching a kid light up as it suddenly clicked.And these connections are multifaceted. Connecting a reluctant reader to the type of book they can’t put down. Connecting an abstract idea in a textbook to a real-world context that ignites curiosity. Connecting behaviors of students acting out to the deeper needs that the child is lacking.But these connections can’t be translated into a fix-all formula. What worked today may not work tomorrow. The “aha moment” is different for every child. Because the dynamics in the classroom are an ever-shifting landscape, there’s never a dull moment.3) Teachers get the constant opportunity for growthIf you’re going into teaching because you like the sound of your own voice and you’re envisioning a room full of eagerly attentive pupils taking in your every word, you may want to reconsider your career choice. Because this isn’t the reality for today’s teachers.evalA more accurate job description for the role would be a professional facilitator of the learning process. Using research-based practices and guided by data, effective educators adapt learning moments for each student. Teaching is a craft, and like any craftsman, it requires constant reflection and gr owth.As a side note, the tangible benefits or teaching are worth noting as well. While teachers’ salaries have a reputation for being low, the average annual salary for a teacher with a bachelor’s degree is $60,377. When it comes to health insurance and other benefits, teachers get treated quite well!As someone who’s had years of experience, I can attest to the deep and lasting impacts teaching had on me personally and professionally. More than ever, we need teachers who see this opportunity to be connectors and people committed to the craft.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Ten Ways to Boost Your Network When Youve Put Your Work Life on Hold (Part One)

Ten Ways to Boost Your Network When You’ve Put Your Work Life on Hold (Part One) After a child is born, many women make the decision to stop working to become full-time mothers. Playdates take the place of meetings and anxiety about an upcoming presentation is replaced with concern over a stuffy nose. While many moms know they will return to work at some point, few create and organize a plan for re-entry. When they decide to return, many women experience difficulty negotiating a salary consistent with their level of expertise or accounting for their achievements during their career hiatus.With a little bit of planning, research, and creativity along with a systematic approach to networking, you can continue to maintain your professional persona while being a full-time mom. Your transition back to the world of work will become a more rewarding and less stressful experience. Networking is the cornerstone of a successful job search campaign. It is an on-going process of building and maintaining relationships with people who have expertise you want and need and recip rocating their help with information that is useful to them. As a mom, you are always networking. Mothers swap advice with other moms about schools, babysitters, pediatricians, baby products, etc. We want to buy our products and services from establishments that are recommended by people we trust.Job seekers share information in a similar way. They approach their contacts for information about a particular industry or company, discuss their skills and business accomplishments and prove how they can add value to an organization. Relationships are built on reciprocity and trust. By solidifying these ties, job seekers gain the opportunity to request introductions into their contacts’ inner circles. Each new contact can lead them closer to a new business opportunity. But, it is crucial they never ask a contact to get them a job. This would create stress in the relationship, by implying an unrealistic expectation. However, asking for information is reasonable, even flattering. Below ar e some tips for expanding your network and staying connected to your business community during your child care years. Start networking for business opportunities now so you’ll have more viable options when you are ready to return to work.The Playground It’s often said that more deals are concluded on golf courses than at the office. A close second to the golf course may very well be the playground. The same principles of networking and camaraderie work with a small child in tow. It’s easy to strike up a conversation at the swings or the sandbox. Bring some toys that work best in groups like jump ropes, balls and bubble fluid and you’re bound to have a captive audience of kids and adults in no time. If many of the children in your neighborhood are with caregivers during the week, it still makes sense to build these relationships. Chances are that the nanny’s current employer or their friend’s employers are people that are connected to others that you might like to know.Gr oup Classes/Sports TeamsBy the time your children are three years old, many classes are “drop off” and parents are asked to wait outside the class area. Use that hour to network with the parents in the class. Try to schedule at least one class on the weekend to maximize the opportunity to communicate with a parent directly. As your kids get older, consider becoming the team parent for your child’s sports teams. This enables you to have ongoing contact with the parents of the team members and positions you as an effective organizer or leader.PlaygroupsBuild a core group of moms (and dads) and establish a weekly playdate. You will make special, long lasting bonds with the parents and establish a support system for a future job search.School/CommunityWhen you volunteer for a position in your child’s school or your local community you are broadening your range of contacts since members of these groups represent multiple professional backgrounds. You are afforded the chance to ne twork with people that you might not meet at work or through a professional organization. Volunteering in your school/community allows you to:Position yourself as an insider or expert in a particular areaGain access to other members of the community that may be useful professional contacts in the futureDevelop new marketable skills that you can apply to your future job searchWhen you volunteer, chose a leadership role, such as chair person for an event or member of the school’s executive board. These types of opportunities provide you with much greater visibility and decision-making power than you would receive if you just offer to bake cupcakes for the school picnic.E-groupsConsider setting up an e-group with the people you worked with and wish to maintain a future relationship. This will enable you to keep up with the corporate culture and gossip and will position you well should you decide to return to a previous employer in the future.Tune in tomorrow for 5 more ways to grow your network.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Professional Resume Writing Services in Vashi

Professional Resume Writing Services in VashiProfessional resume writing services in Vashi offer a number of career-oriented services, ranging from writing cover letters to preparing job searches and promotional material. Employers have the advantage of using information provided by your CV in their business decision-making process.Job hunting is time consuming and exhausting. It is a must that you have all the required details on your CV, in case you are looking for a new job. Such CV's also help your recruiter to get a first impression about your capacity to work in the company.Your CV has to be efficient enough to catch the attention of the prospective employer who has just landed at the target job site. A well written CV means the difference between being hired or being passed over. With professional resume writing services in Vashi, you can rest assured that your CV will be professionally written and presented in the most effective manner.Professional resume writing services in Vashi have several skills that can be easily transferred to your CV. To start with, your CV must have a complete and professional resume. This is a detailed profile of your qualifications and experiences. Besides, it should be written in such a way that the reader feels proud to be reading about you.In order to make yourself look interesting, recruiters prefer to read CV's of candidates that contain strong skills and qualifications in various areas, which are not directly related to the field in which the particular position is opened. This will give the impression of someone with a lot of potential and expertise in a particular field. This is also known as competency factor.One of the best things about having a good CV is that you do not have to write a bunch of redundant information. It would be done by the professionals and there is no need to take credit for it. All you have to do is to add what is needed. This will definitely make your CV impressive.Top-notch resume writing ser vices in Vashi have the ability to transform your CV into a highly effective, professional resume. Moreover, it is one thing that an employer cannot afford to miss out on.Since a CV is one of the few things that an employer can't afford to overlook, then it is of utmost importance that it is written and presented in a short span of time. The CV should come off to be attractive, memorable and appropriate to the exact vacancy. If you have tried to do this before, but it did not come off as per your expectations, then it is time that you gave up.