Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Inclement Weather or Emergency Business Closing Practices

Inclement Weather or Emergency Business Closing PracticesInclement Weather or Emergency Business Closing PracticesNational tragedies such as Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, earthquakes, serious fires, and any other event that destroys the homes and livelihood of employees require an appropriate response from employers. Even more minor issues like a foot or two of snow, the loss of electricity, or flooding can make the actual physical presence of employees at work difficult or impossible, sometimes for days. Beyond the effect of these events on employees, they are also likely to affect the ability of the geschftlicher umgang or organization to remain open and serving customers. Finally, inclement weather or other business emergencies affect not just the employee but the employees family members, too. In fruchtwein weather emergencies schools, daycare, nursing, and other services employees use become unavailable as well. What Employers Need to Think About in an Emergency Situation Co nsequently, employers need to think through the possible emergency events that could disrupt their ability to open. They need to formulate policies about what employees can expect when inclement weather makes it impossible to get to work. It is much better to be prepared than to try to set policy on the fly in the event of an emergency. Employers have legal obligations to employees, and they have a relationship, moral, and ethical obligationsto employees, too. Many employees believe that, in the event of an emergency, the employer should cover all related costs. This is not always feasible. Specific Examples of Emergencies and Bad Weather Closings For example, if an employee misses three weeks of work because his home was flooded and without power, is it fair to assume that the employer will pay the employee for the extended time off? Of course, not. The employee will need to use paid time off, vacation time, or apply for extended unpaid leave. On the other hand, in situations w here the employer cannot open the business, it is reasonable to ask employers to shoulder some of the costs to maintain their relationships with their employees? Absolutely. But even in this circumstance, the employer will not be able to afford to pay non-working employees for an extended period. Balance Paying Employees With Ensuring Employee Job Security The employer needs to balance paying employees with the need to ensure that said employees will still have a job when the business reopens if the business is not taking in money from customers. So, the inclement weather policy must set expectations, present a balanced approach to employee compensation, mitigate risks for both the employers and the employees, and present a fair solution for emergencies. The inclement weather and other emergency policy should be researched, created, communicated, and signed in advance of any inclement weather or other emergency events. When employees know what to expect, they can plan and feel c onfident about the employers predicted actions. This promotes an environment of trust. Earlier recommendations coveredwhat employers need to do about pay legally when a snow day, rain day or another emergency affects their employees ability to work. Youll want to make sure that you are fulfilling the legal obligations that you have about paying your employees. Implement an Inclement Weather and Other Emergency Policy These recommendations constitute an inclement weather policy that informs employees about what they can expect from their employer in response to an emergency. The policy focuses on the areas that a weatheremergency or other emergency will most frequently affect. Company ClosurePart-Day ClosureWhen an employee cannot physically get to work When an employee needs time to repair damages and problems caused by an emergency, bad weather, or other situation. You may adapt this bad weather policy for your organization and your organizations culture, but keep in mind the p otential disasters in your region as you write your policy. You will want to customize this sample inclement weather policy for your organization.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

How to Plan Office Holiday Parties in Lean Years

How to Plan Office Holiday Parties in lila drink YearsHow to Plan Office Holiday Parties in Lean YearsEven if your company can afford a fabulous Christmas party, if you are bedrngnis giving out bonuses, your employees are likely to resent extravagant party expenses, especially if you have given out holiday bonuses in the past and your employees have come to expect them. Whatever you do, do not make the mistake of overspending on a holiday partyas a substitute for bonuses. Here are some bro party planning tips to keep your employees from becoming disgruntled if they are not getting cash bonuses this year. No Substitutions If you decide to have an office party instead of giving bonuses, promote the party as a way of acknowledging appreciation for the contributions of employees during the past year- not as a substitute for bonuses. Instead, send out an announcement well in advance that your company will not be giving out bonuses this year. Do not relate the party to any communicatio ns about bonuses. As soon as you connect the two, employees will feel short-changed, particularly because many employees do not even attend holiday office parties, so they may feel like they received nothing at all. Focus on the Future It is fine to state your company cannot afford bonuses this year due to the economy, but never tell employees how lucky they are to even have a job. Instead of focusing on a year in review lamenting losses and downsizing operations, use the party as a positive platform to usher in a new, more lucrative year. Talk about hopeful things, new prospects for growth, and a brighter future. Focusing on past hardships will only remind your employees of all the reasons why they are not getting bonuses. Get Employees Involved Rather than trying to make up for a lack of bonuses with a lavish holiday or year-end party, have a smaller scale party. Your goal is to get employees excited about the party itself and keep their minds off the fact they are not get ting a bonus. Over-the-top spending on an office party sends you employees the katechese that you had excess cash they did not get. Plan a Potluck Break from traditions and have employees bring some of the food. Make it fun and offer a contest for the best cookie recipe. If you cannot offer a prize, give the winner a work-related perk, an extra paid vacation day.Find Free Entertainment Invite local church or youth groups to sing or perform- many will do so for free. Even better, if you have musical employees, invite them to perform live music or offer a karaoke machine. Employees will get a bigger kick out of seeing their coworkers band perform than they will if you hire a professional DJ. Include Families Let families bring the children this year. Many office parties traditionally exclude children, but struggling families may appreciate being allowed to bring their children to your Christmas party. Offer a few holiday activities for kids, like a coloring, cookie decorating, or orna ment table so they will have something to take home with them. Acknowledging that your employees have lives outside the workplace by including their families is a great way to help them feel better about your business. Forego Alcohol It is often advisable to keep office parties alcohol-free, but if you do allow alcoholic beverages, use an outside service and have a cash bar. If your business cannot afford bonuses, offering an open bar to employees is not a good idea. Additionally, people who have to pay for their own alcohol may drink more responsibly. To avoid legal exposure, have a professional bartender prepare and serve drinks- do not have the company purchase or serve alcohol to employees and never ask or allow employees to bring their own beer, wine, or liquor. The Bottom Line The more you involve your employees the more they will appreciate an office party. If the party really is for their benefit, cater to them, not to management.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Evaluating Your Unwritten Résumé

Evaluating Yur Unwritten RsumEvaluating Your Unwritten RsumYour brand is what people say about you when youre leid in the room. - Jeff Bezos, founder of AmazonWhile our formal rsum helps to define our relevant skills, abilities and experience during a job search, tzu siche is an entirely different kind of rsum that can also have a significant impact upon our work lives. It is the unwritten or invisible rsum that lives in the minds of our co-workers, trusted colleagues and supervisors. In a 2009 blog post for Harvard Business Review, Dr. Vicky Gordon, the CEO of the Gordon Group, explains this invisible rsum captures what others are thinking (and sharing) about us when our names are mentioned in workplace conversations. This alternative source can touch every facet of our work lives, in ways that we might not have expected. As such, this question becomes critical How do we determine the contents of our unwritten rsum?Revealing its components can be challenging on a number of levels, b ut worthwhile to pursue. Part and parcel to this process is gaining a real-life, real-time view of your work-life reputation. What areas might be included? Think of topics such as attitude, openness, timeliness and follow-through on promises. In some cases, a supervisor or colleague might openly offer a piece of information included in this unwritten document. Beth Comstock, the chief marketing officer with GE, explains in a recent LinkedIn post how her former boss, Jack Welch, chided her for being too efficient during meetings. While Comstock believed her communication strategy to be quite effective, in fact, this behavior caused her to be viewed as abrupt and cold.The truth is, we can be a poor judge of our own qualities and it is a wise to seek alternative perspectives. In some situations, what has worked for us in the past has long passed its expiration date, yet no one is honest enough to call us out on our behavior. On the other hand, we may be viewed much more positively than we think, and are underestimating our worth. Ultimately, this lack of awareness can negatively influence our career path going forward.Some solid reasons to explore your unwritten rsumYouve been passed over. There is nothing more frustrating than working toward a valued goal that does not materialize. When you felt deserving of a promotion or project and the opportunity doesnt occur, it may be time to assess. If things just do not add up, it may be time to gather more information.You have your eye on a leadership role. If you are considering a change of focus or responsibility, then it is important to gather a complete view of your potential. In some cases, the skills that have brought us to our current level are not fully sufficient to lead us into the next chapter.You arent making progress. There is nothing more confusing (and disturbing) than having your career stall. If you are having issues gaining momentum and are unsure as to why, something unsaid may be getting in the way.Y ou are targeting development goals. Forming a list of your development must haves can be tricky business without an accurate view of current skills. An honest appraisal is necessary to craft a plan that is sound.Keep these points in mindFocus on the future. Be keenly aware that the information included within your unwritten rsum can help power your career forward. This may help you process what you might uncover. Remember that what you dont know can hurt you.Build a network. Build a trusted group who will offer a realistic view of your performance in a variety of workplace situations. This group should be robust, and include those that can speak to your performance in a team setting, how you handle challenge or frustration and your ability to develop ideas.Review often. Set up channels to review your invisible rsum at frequent intervals. For example, after completing a project or proposal, ask each member how they viewed your contribution.Above all, strive for a 3-D view. Attempt to see yourself from all perspectives, and become completely open to areas of strength and weakness. All in all, information is power.Dr. Marla Gottschalk is an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist who specializes in workplace success strategies and organizational change. She helps individuals, teams and organizations develop intelligently- to meet work life challenges with a sense of confidence and empowerment.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Places to Learn JavaScript Online

Places to Learn JavaScript OnlinePlaces to Learn JavaScript OnlineWhen you are ready to dive into the world of web developmentand have mastered HTML and basic computer science topics, its time to learn JavaScript (JS). This computer programming language is used mostly to create and enhance the interactive aspects of websites.There are plenty of free and paid options to learn JS erreichbar. All the free sites cost you is a little time, dedication, and willingness to learn. The paid sites are suitable forcurrent or future professionals who wanta more thorough structured introduction to the language. Whether the paid sites are worth the price depends entirely on your expectations and whether you are seeking certification in JavaScript, which is a valuable addition to your resume.You alsocancatch up with a few JavaScript tutorials while you are offline. 01Learn JavaScript Online With Free Resources?If you have the time and self-discipline, you can learn JavaScript for free. There is no s hortage of no-cost JavaScript training opportunities online. Among them areCodecademy. If youve taught yourself to code, chances are youve already been on Codecademy. The platform has various tracks, including a JavaScript track. Codecademy is a great place for newbies to get departureed learning how to code.Eloquent JavaScriptis a free book thats available online, written by Marijn Haverbeke. Its broken down into three parts language, browser, and node. While the book is completely free online, you also canpurchase a paperback copy.Khan Academy is a massive player in the online learning space. It offers tons of learning material for people of all ages. Everything is free, so theres no need to worry about any upsells at the end. One of Khan Academyssignature JavaScript courses isIntro to JS Drawing Animation.JavaScript for Cats is a free online book that is broken down into many sections. It comes with cat pics and all. It boasts that its so easy your human companion could do it, t oo Hows that for encouraging?Channel 9.This course, JavaScript Fundamentals Development for Absolute Beginners, is a part of Microsoft Virtual Academy. The format is avideo series, broken down into 21 parts.Learn-JS.orgoffers a free JavaScript interactive learning experience where youread a lesson and then type your code into an editor.Code Schoolis predominantly a paid platform, but it also offers some free courses.JavaScript Road Trip parte I is one of them. Learn more aboutCode School and its JavaScript paths.JavaScript Garden is appropriate for developerswho are a bit more advanced with coding and people who have already learned the JavaScript basics. It talks about common mistakes people make while writing JS and other quirks of the language.Mozilla Developer Network.If youre at the beginning of the learning curve and pretty new at development, Mozilla offers a beginners JavaScript course to teach you the basics. Subsequent lessons increase in complexity from beginner to interm ediate and advanced tutorials.02Paid Resources for Learning JavaScriptAlthough plenty of free ways to learn JavaScript are available online, dont overlook the paid options. Typically, they go more in-depth on the subject, and several of them offer a certification in JavaScript.Note All prices listed arecurrent as of 2018.Frontend Masters offers a JavaScript and the Web series of video classes featuring Douglas Crockford, author of JavaScript The Good Parts. The series includesthe history of JavaScript, details of the language, and a focus on functions. The more than 11 hours of videos and challenges also cover how browsers and servers work and security. Frontend Masters offers several subscriptionplans beginning at $39 per month for access to all the premium content on the site.Udacityoffers self-paced courses that always areavailable so you can take a course whenever you want and study at your own pace. Although the classes are free, the sites Nanodegree certification and tutoring program are costly, running approximately $200 per month.Code School. After you take the free JavaScript Road Trip Part 1 course, you can continue with the paid courses that lead to a course completion badge that certifies youve learned JavaScript basics, syntax, and how to use values, variables, and files. Courses include a combination of instructional videos andchallenges. The cost is $29 per month for unlimited access to 72 courses and 256 screencasts.W3Schools.com offers a JavaScript Developer Certificate that attests to fundamental knowledge of web development using JavaScript and the HTML DOM. A JavaScript Tutorial and JavaScript Quizzes are supplied for study purposes and then an online exam is taken over the internet. The cost of the certificate program is $95.CIWs JavaScript Specialist course prepares individuals for the CIW JavaScript Specialist certification. Previous familiarity with using the internet, developing web pages, and configuring networks, along with knowledge of HTML code development, are necessary skills going into this intermediate course. The program costs $150.The National Computer Science Academy offersonline JavaScript training material and a certification exam. Unlimited access to the courses and certifications requires a membership subscription, which starts at a cost of $99.03Downloadable and Offline Resources for Learning JavaScriptWhen you want to get away from the computer for a whileor are looking for some poolside light reading, buy or download one of these books andtutorials that cover various aspects of learning JavaScript.JavaScript The Good Parts is a short book by DouglasCrockford that covers the core features of JavaScript. The book can be confusing for beginners at times and is best suited for intermediate programmers.Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, 3rd Edition by Nicholas C. Zakas is an electronic book you can download and study when you are offline. It contains a developer-level introduction and materi al on useful and advanced JavaScript features. The book is comprehensive and not for beginners. The 960-page book also isavailable in paperback form.The Modern JavaScript Tutorial is an ePub or PDF downloadable tutorial that covers a vast series of JavaScript topics that include fundamentals, code quality, data types, advanced work with functions, objects, classes, inheritance and error handling. The tutorials range from rank beginner level to advanced concepts such as OOP. Price for the download is $18.JavaScript makes the web go aroundTechnology isnt the future- its now. Whether you want to start a new and exciting career without incurring student loans, or you just want to test the waters first before you invest in further education, these courses can provide you with valuable tools to get started.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Recent Grad Learn How to Land a Job with CSI#8217;s Suzana Simic

Recent Grad Learn How to Land a Job with CSI8217s Suzana Simic Recent Grad Learn How to Land a Job with CSI8217s Suzana Simic Research continues to tell us about the unfortunate plight of recent graduates- underemployed or unemployed. Even recently, a Beyond.com survey revealed that the majority of HR professionals have stereotypes about Millennial workers, making it that much harder for people in this group to find a job.With all of the bad news, whats a new graduate to do? Suzana Simic has a suggestion Begin your job search as early as possible.Simic is the director of Career Services at Computer Systems Institute (CSI), a post-secondary institution that offers degree and career programs in the computer, medical and business fields. Working with a variety of students, Simic knows firsthand the challenges students face when preparing to enter the real world. Read on to discover the advice she offered Recruiter.com readers on how to ensure you successfully transition from college g raduate to full-time employee1. Millions of college students are graduating this year. What steps should they take to secure employment in todays economy?Students should start their career search as early as possible. It is never too early to apply, but it can be too late. Start with personal contacts and career websites. Remember that networking is essential in todays job market. When all else fails to produce the necessary results, put your feet to the street.2. How can a student ensure his/her resume stands out from the crowd?Students should always remember that their resume needs to tell the employer what they will get from this particular candidate. Also, remember that job descriptions are a great tool to pick from when updating your current skills. List four to six major accomplishments on your resume to set yourself above the rest.3. Im a recent college graduate and just received a callback for my first interview. What do I do?PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE Research the organizati on prior to the interview formulate at least three questions to ask during the interview map out directions to the site perform a trial run the day before to gauge traffic patterns iron out a suit the night before print out several copies of your resume on professional resume paper and, most importantly, practice interviewing with your career services department, advisor, friend - anyone willing to be brutally honest.Suzana Simic4. Are there any major dos and donts when interviewing?Doprovide a firm confident handshake.Doengage the receptionist with a smile.Dobring several copies of your resume.Dont.lie during your interview.Dont.be late.Dont. forget to send a follow up/thank you letter.5. How can job candidates know which questions to ask during an interview and which to avoid?Research the organization and base your questions off of said research. Ask questions that will help enable you to make a wise career decision for yourself. Avoid asking presumptive questions, i.e. What does the position pay? What would my hours be? Are there benefits?6. What can current college students (freshman-senior) do to prepare themselves for finding and securing a job post-graduation?Start networking with alumni while in school, apply to positions prior to graduation, and lastly put your feet to the street.7. In what ways does CSI helps student transition into successful careers?CSI has a rigorous 8-month, hands-on program, which teaches our students the fundamentals that are directly related to their career paths. Career Services has monthly career-related workshops that instruct our students on how to network, interview, and how to create a professional resume. Furthermore, each student goes through intensive mock interviewing, both via Skype as well as i- person interviews.8. Final thoughts?Remember that if you have to take a job that is a bit less desirable than your dream job just to get your foot in the door, there is nothing wrong with that.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

What You Do Not Know About Please Find Attached My Resume

What You Do Not Know About Please Find Attached My Resume Details of Please Find Attached My Resume Its a fact that some employers do some automated screening of resumes at the beginning of the process. Adhering to the employers guidelines wont only ensure your documents get to the suitable place at the most suitable time, it is going to show that you pay attention to details and follow instructions The procedure for obtaining a job isnt as simple as you believe. If you by gelegenheit learn about a zeugungsfhigial job which will match my qualifications, I would be quite grateful if you would allow me to know. Things You Should Know About Please Find Attached My Resume When you say things like I have a lot of interests in the domain that Whereabout operates and I feel I possess the wisdom and skill set necessary for the very same, its only a waste of space. Your hair appears much shinier. If youre interested in looking at my real resume, please I would like to know. Please have a peek at the attached resume. Things You Wont Like About Please Find Attached My Resume and Things You Will To maximize your odds of reaching the work interview stage its essential to be sure every component of your resume and cover letter are up-to-scratch. If you wish to take a look at some cover letters, here are a few examples of the cover letters. Basically, your cover letter might be your very first contact with a person so it is essential that it makes a fantastic first impression for your benefit. Also, it should reflect your personality and sometimes some of the qualities required for the job. How you include a cover letter is dependent on just what the job posting instructions were. For instance, if you were going for the job of Publishing Director, the subsequent opening sentence is a potent statement about your capacity to do the job. There are specific questions you ought to be ready to address at the conclusion of an informational interview. Our recommen dation is to compose the cover letter within the body of the schmelzglas. Parts of the job during Ph.D. training is going to be submitted to international journal. It is simpler than you might think to compose a superb administrative resume that could allow you to find the job of your dreams. The New Fuss About Please Find Attached My Resume Its critical since it makes it a lot easier to get in touch with you. Dont include as much information it looks sloppy. Make sure all the info you include is directly linked to the job for which youre applying. Youll find my contact information on top of my enclosed resume. Employing a short, direct, concise, yet intriguing e-mail will permit the hiring manager to rapidly see that you might be the ideal candidate the business is seeking. After youve written your amazing cover letter providing more info on your expertise and the way it is related to the job that youre applying for, its crucial to format it correctly before sending it to an y recruiters. If there are particular companies which you want to work for, dont wait. Overloading your resume with information that isnt really linked to your abilities or job-related talents is rarely an excellent concept, as it can create the employer or job recruiter to shed interest and continue on to the next candidate. Another oddity with attached please find is its a command when it doesnt have to be. Enclosed and Attached are two words which are often confused when it regards their usage and connotations as people have a tendency to forget that theres a difference between enclosed and attached. On the flip side, the word attached is employed in the feeling of added or joined. In the same way, it also can be used as an adjective. How to Choose Please Find Attached My Resume Knowing the format by which the business assigns email addresses, together with the hiring managers name will offer you a magnificent idea about what the email address is inclined to be. Should you need any other documents, please allow me to know. You merely put in the persons name and company and the application will respond with a huge set of potential email addresses. Therefore, you need to have an official approach to writing your email job application. If youd prefer to include merely a normal email signature, be certain to include your complete name, email and contact number. Essentially, there are two types of email resumes. My contact number is 555-5555. There are any number of alternatives you could utilize to deliver the exact same message. There are differences between both formats. For your information at work implies that no action is necessary on the recipients partcommonly employed in unsolicited communication. Theres a significant possibility that youll eventually locate a connection who can get you the info you will need. Lots of people would like to know the proper method of mentioning email attachments.

Monday, December 2, 2019

How to Audit the Candidate Experience - Spark Hire

How to Audit the Candidate Experience - Spark HireMost companies think the job application process is one-sided. The candidates want your job and you choose the best applicant. However, the flourishing job market and the rise of highly-specialized positions means that candidates are often evaluating companies as well. Your candidates are applying to several jobs at once, and they want to make sure to choose an employer that will advance their careers and make them happy. One of the biggest indicators of these factors are the signals that your company sends to candidates during the job application process. The application lets candidates know how organized your company is. It also sends red flags about potential problems that could occur if they decide to work for you. Put your best foot forward to recruit the highest-quality talent possible. Here are four steps you should take to audit and improve the candidate experience Analyze the Relevance of Your Job ApplicationsFor your candida tes, the job search process starts with the application. Clear, detailed applications give candidates an idea for what their day-to-day duties would be and what is expected of them. Unfortunately, very few companies create clear and detailed applications. Too often, companies either put the wrong information into an application or they put too much. They want to attract a diverse talent pool and candidates with a lot of skills. Does your accountant really need graphic design skills? Does your marketing team really need to be CPR certified?This can put off candidates or cause unqualified people to apply. Confusing applications also creates unintended applicant bias. Studies have found that men apply for jobs when they meet 60% of the qualifications but women only apply when they feel 100% qualified. If you include every skill possible in hopes of finding the perfect candidate, you could end up isolating a large part of the workforce. To improve this element of the candidate experienc e, check out a few job application tools and resources. Making small changes to your application format can increase the number of applicants and improve their overall quality. Review Your Current Applicant SystemsHave you been using the same zugreifbar application tool since 1994? Your candidates can tell. Few things are more frustrating than working through an antiquated and clunky system to submit a job application. These tools dont have autofill, have seemingly endless pages, and make candidates fill in their resume information manually even after they upload the file. If you havent recently, run through your application process as a candidate and see how hard it is to apply for a job. You can also bring in others to test your system and provide feedback. Some hiring teams also mock apply for jobs posted by their competitors to see what their application tools look like and how easy it is to submit information. You may discover that your current application system is behind in t he times and your top candidates are leaving to apply to your competitors. If you do find that you need to upgrade your hiring software, consider reviewing some of the top applicant tracking systems (ATS). An ATS is an applicant management software that streamlines everything from recruitment and job posting to the hire. Check Your Time to Hire Once you have the right group of people applying for your jobs and the right system to receive applications, the next step is to look at your internal processes. One of the biggest issues companies have is maintaining a reasonable time to hire. This hiring metric is the average number of days on from application to acceptance. There is plenty of industry data that breaks down the average time to hire by position or department. Entry-level positions like checkout clerks or waitstaff tend to have shorter time to hire windows, while executive positions and government jobs have longer windows.Remember, your candidates are applying to several job postings along with yours. They want a new job as soon as possible especially if they are currently between jobs. If you take several months to hire a candidate and go weeks without contacting them, they will get the impression you are bedrngnis interested in them and then move on to other opportunities. Plus, the longer you take to fill a position, the more money your company loses in lower production and energy spent in the hiring process.Improve the Interview Process If you have made it through the audit without identifying any red flags, then your hiring issues may lie in your interview process. Every company has its own interview process and various department heads often tweak the process for their needs. However, if your interview process is flawed, you could be filtering out the best candidates without realizing it. Work with your team to standardize and improve your interviews. If you have mandatory HR interview questions, look to see which ones actually provide value. If each department head has their own interviewing style, see which ones are fruchtwein effective. To assess interviewing style effectiveness, look at factors like employee turnover, performance rates, team growth, and manager reviews. You may realize that some departments need to change their interview styles to better vet candidates. Remember, you wont land every candidate that you want to hire. Some people are bound to accept other offers or turn down the position for personal reasons. However, you shouldnt let your hiring process create roadblocks for you. By auditing the candidate experience, you can make sure you get the largest and best talent pool possible so your team can pick from the cream of the crop. About the AuthorChristine Soeun Choi is a digital marketing associate at Fit Small Business. Currently based in NYC, she has a background in geschftliches miteinander studies and math with a passion for business development. Outside of work, Christine enjoys traveling and expl oring art.